Errata #2

Pictured above: New SRAT data coverage in the Kirkwood Cohansey Cluster. 

Pictured above: New SRAT data coverage in the Kirkwood Cohansey Cluster. 

Updates by Cluster

Kirkwood Cohansey Aquifer 


  • We have added Total and Local Catchment data to the SRAT Story Map with a build-out of this data within the Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sediment and Land Cover & Land Use tabs.

new jersey Highlands


  • Permitnum: NJ0024716 -  PHILLIPSBURG TOWN STP -  Facility with outfall on Lopatcong Creek moved to Delaware River.

  • All non-sewage treatment plants point sources had there TN and TP concentrations adjusted in the New Jersey Highlands. The default/proxy values previously used were changed to the average TN (7.175 mg/l) and TP (1.259 mg/l) concentrations across the basin for non-sewage treatment plants. This modification was made by the request of New Jersey Highland cluster representatives.